“If you believe in unlimited quality and act in all your business dealings with total integrity, the rest will take care of itself.” – Frank Perdue
Purshotam Company Private Limited has been focusing on direct marking technologies and marking machines ever since its establishment. We provide expert marking solutions and equipment to clients all over the world. We offer a variety of product marking, traceability, autoloader and automation solutions; using the latest bench integrated marking, portable marking, and laser marking technologies. These products are widely used in the electrical equipment, construction, metal profiles, and many other industries. Along with our competence, our ethics have also played an important role in our success.
There are personal ethics and then there are business ethics. Today, we discuss briefly on the differences between them.
Personal Ethics in an Organization
Ethical and moral beliefs and behavior make a person. People are often known in the society owing to their principles and ethics. Ethics not only have importance in defining a person’s character, but also are extremely important in a business organization. Ethical beliefs outline the behaviors, decisions and values of an organization.
Importance of Business Ethics
Ethics differ from one company to another. A good example of this variation is in the energy domain. Companies that produce non-renewable energy, face scrutiny on environmental norms. Even the smallest mishap might require the company to answer a number of regulatory authorities. Following environmental ethics is paramount for an energy company. On the other hand, companies such as Amazon and Google are not scrutinized much for environmental ethics. But they do monitor very closely whether their customer’s privacy and security are protected or not. Thus, ethics may differ from company to company.
At Purshotam Company Private Limited, we strive to bring you the best metal marking machines and industrial solutions without compromising on their quality and performance. Our ethics ensure that we stay committed towards providing metal marking solutions to our clients with complete honesty and integrity.
Business Ethics Benefits
The importance of business ethics is far beyond employee loyalty and morale. Ethical operation is directly related to profitability in present as well as in future. It also defines reputation of a business. It is also crucial for investors to know whether they are making the right decision in investing in a particular company. An unethical company might see decline in its stocks or its support systems.
As ethical behavior is becoming increasingly important in creating a positive public image, more and more companies are rebuilding and revising their ethical norms and principles. This includes the way they treat their employees, respect the environment and follow fair market practices in regards to pricing and consumer satisfaction.
Do you want to partner with an ethical metal marking solution provider? To know more about Purshotam, our metal marking machines and our industrial solutions, contact us today!