Leader and Team Relationships

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou

Leadership and team are two important aspects in any organization. Purshotam Company Private Limited, a paramount metal marking machines distributor, understands the value of a good leader and the importance of team building in a company. We believe that only when our employees feel empowered and happy with the company atmosphere, will they be able to perform better towards their goals. We believe that if you want to build a long-lasting business, you need to first build a long-lasting and healthy relationship between the leader and the team.

For a leader, one of the keys to becoming as effective as possible in the shortest time span is in getting to know your team well. A leader needs to build an effective and strong relationship with his team if he wants to be a successful leader and also drive the team to produce quality results. The results can be called as a reflection of your relationship with the team members. Here are seven ways in which you can build a great rapport with your team:

  • Listen

As a leader, you need to be an active listener. Good listening is one of the pillars of building a strong rapport with the individual members. You not only need to give full attention to your team, but minimize your distractions, ask questions, show empathy and display emotions. While these are common facets of active listening, as a leader, you also need to build great relationship ensuring that everyone has a voice and feels comfortable in pouring their heart to you. You need to run meetings in such a way that everyone gets their space and time to think, access their own ideas before working upon yours. You should be also open to their ideas and thoughts. Allow everyone a turn to speak out as this will help you select the best idea.

  • Recognize the Emotions in Others

Emotional intelligence is a crucial component of leadership. As a leader, you need to be able to recognize emotions in yourself and also in other people. Have the ability to respond to others with unspoken feelings so as to build a compassionate connection. If you have the capacity to read micro-expressions and facial emotions on other’s faces, you can connect better with them. Once a leader is capable of recognizing his team member’s emotional state, he or she will demonstrate empathy in a better way and alter their communication patterns so as to get maximum reception.

  • Use Praise

Praising your team mates can prove to be motivating. When you deliver authentic praises to your employees or team members, you bring about a positive environment around and help boost their performance. Employees who received regular praise and recognition showcased increased productivity and were less likely to leave a company. But as a leader, ensure that your feedback is authentic and constructive. As a leader, have the knack of identifying clearly the role played or the work done by the team member. This will bring more substance to your praises. Also share your insights with other team members so that they better understand each other and respect each other. A good leader is one who also facilitates the growth of individual members. A leader is often a director who guides, directs and teaches his people to do the best for the company as well for themselves.


  • Set High Expectations


A good leader sets high standards and expectations in regards to behavior, goals and work culture. Everyone in the team should be aware of what is expected of them. A leader should not be afraid of putting forward his expectations. Setting expectations will also allow roles to be clarified and individuals will feel empowered to put their best forward.


At Purshotam, we have a very positive, energetic and cultured work environ inside the company. Our leaders treat everyone in their teams equally and everyone in our firm feels content, happy and respected. It is with this notion that we carry on with our sales and after sales services. A feather in our cap and a notion to be proud of, we are always available to serve our customers once they have purchased our marking machines. With us, your bond is built forever and you will never have to look elsewhere for your laser and metal marking machines.

For more information on Purshotam Company Private Limited and our marking machines, reach out to us today. Enhance your productivity by availing the best after sales services from us!

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