Purshotam Company Private Limited has been leading the metal marking machine distribution industry for years. We have seen the industry change and we have adapted to the changes.
Even after all these years, we strive to bring you the latest tools and technologies to meet your metal marking needs.
How did it all start?
Use of more and more machines in manufacturing led to mass production of parts and soon a need was felt to identify and trace those manufactured parts that were part of critical engineering assemblies.
This required each manufactured part to be marked uniquely. In early days, this was done manually by use of marker pens and later by manual stamping of letters and numbers. Soon the capacity of mass production started increasing exponentially, and thus there was need to increase the speed of marking.
Dot Peen marking
A machine operated stylus to make tiny dot-indents on metal surface was developed. This system used tiny dots to form letters and numbers and was named dot peen marking.
Over the years, the speed of marking and its accuracy were improved and later this marking machine was integrated into the production line, to further improve the speed of marking.
The technology employed here is simple electro-mechanical movement whereby a diamond stylus moves back and forth, when pulse current is passed through a solenoid.
As this stylus hits a metal surface, it makes a small dot-shaped indent. These tiny dots are used to create letters, numbers, and even an image.
With improvement in technology, the size of the dot has progressively become smaller and more accurate, and the speed of marking has improved manifold.
New age dot peen machines can now print a dot-matrix image, which can be read and verified by a camera and a computer system.
Eventually, after dot-peen marking machines other systems of marking like scribing, which is an engraving type of marking, and laser marking were also developed. We will discuss them in the next part of this series.
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