Purshotam Company Private Limited was established years ago to meet the tracing and identification needs of the manufacturing industry. After years of serving the manufacturing industry by providing them with top-notch metal marking solutions, our experience has given us some insights which we would like to share with you.
In this series, we have discussed the story behind the birth of metal marking machines, we have spoken how the metal marking machines have changed over time, and how different types of metal marking machines are set-up and used on the shop-floor.
Now that we have discussed the past and present of the metal marking machines, let us try to predict what the future holds for metal marking.
Predictions for the Future of Metal Marking
Taking into account the prevailing technology, the products in use, and possibilities of customized solutions; it may be possible to speculate marking machine of the near future.
With production lines becoming progressively more automated and increased use of robots, there would be greater challenge in integration. Even as incremental improvement is likely in marking speeds, finer and smaller marking will be preferred in future.
This will need more focused laser beam and greater flexibility and speed of beam steering. Low cost and low maintenance laser marking systems will be preferred in the near future.
To work with robots, integration would require more accurate sensors for positioning, and more complex actuators.
Of course, there would be greater emphasis on mark and check system for more and more applications. This means data matrix codes would be marked on the surface of more and more parts. System of verification, reading, and communication would become more widespread. This would need low cost and compact hardware.
So, the marking machine of 2020 would be an integrated laser type mark and check system, with a compact and low-cost vision hardware; operating along with robots and a complex system of clamping devices, sensors, and actuators.
At Purshotam Company Private Limited our mission is to bring you the latest tools and technology to meet your marking needs, and we firmly believe that we will do so.
For more information about Purshotam and our metal marking machines, reach out to us now!